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Learning Webinar On Innovations In Democracy: Inclusive Democracy

Inclusive Democracy: How to Make Participatory Democracy More Inclusive of Marginalized Communities especially women, youth, and displaced people?

Participatory and deliberative democracy are often viewed as tools to complement representative institutions, by empowering people to collaborate with governments in decision-making processes that affect their lives. In practice, however, are these approaches genuinely shifting power and engaging broader communities in decision-making? 

Organizations and governments frequently struggle to engage marginalized communities. Even with efforts like sortition to ensure representative participation, structural barriers such as power dynamics and contextual factors persist, hindering effective and meaningful involvement. Addressing these challenges requires a fundamental shift in process design to make inclusivity the default.

Join our webinar to hear the latest innovations in inclusive democracy and new resources to help governments, funders, and civil society support more inclusive democratic practices. 

Date: June 4
Time: 10–11:30 AM ET / 4–5:30 PM ET
Speakers: to be announced soon
Flow: 1 hour of panel discussion, followed by 30 minutes of optional breakout rooms with speakers

Discussion topics

  • Why is inclusion important when designing participatory programs?

  • What are the strategies to overcome challenges faced by civil society organizations?  

  • What are some examples of inclusion in participation for women, indigenous, internally displaced people, youth, and elderly persons? What are some examples from Zimbabwe, Mexico, and Basque Country, and beyond?

  • How do we support inclusion at a larger scale and sustainably? How should funders and organizations invest time and resources in ways that lead to systemic change?

Meet our speakers

Hear from a diverse panel of speakers engaged on the issues of inclusive democracy. Our speakers include:

At the one-hour mark, you can join a breakout room to interact directly with speakers. Register now for this engaging discussion on June 4.